What is acceptance?
I believe that acceptance is a complete trust in whatever is being given to you. Taking it in your stride as it is your journey on Earth. There are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason. The world is a classroom where you are taught certain lessons in order for you to understand the Truth. You gain from this wisdom in order to learn that your journey is back to Source, where you have come from. What is this Source?
The Source is the force in this world which we call God, Higher Self, Illumined Self, Love & Truth, or any number of other titles or words to address the nameless and formless One. This life is part of the long journey back to Source. We live many lives to find the Truth. So the question is how is acceptance involved here?
Acceptance means, embracing everything that is happening to you on this journey in classroom Earth, as the curriculum that you require to learn and understand yourself. It is all about understanding yourself. To know the Truth about who you are. Your presence on Earth is to learn that you are God.
The lessons of acceptance
Some things can be unpleasant, you don’t like it, or accept it. Eventually, you will get the lessons to understand and accept it. It is your choice of how long it will take for you to understand this lesson and accept it. It might take you, your whole life in coming to grips with this lesson. Some lessons are going to be difficult until it is not.
Some emotions, in the beginning, are problematic, like vengeance. If you are unhappy with an experience, where someone has hurt you, your family, or your property. You want vengeance because you want to do the same thing to them, as a reaction, because you feel hurt, angry, or are raging. Where does acceptance come into play here? Could you accept that they made a mistake and can you forgive them? What happens when in your rage you harm or even kill them? Everything is action and reaction. How many lives will it take for you to learn the lesson, that we are all One. When we hurt someone, we hurt ourselves. If we accept this Truth, then we have learnt this lesson. However, there are so many lessons to learn in this school of life.
…Letting Go
What does letting go mean? It means to release something you are holding on to. Can you think of anything that you are holding on to? What about an object like a kite? What happens when you let go of the kite? Does it not drift away wherever the breeze takes it?
There are things in your life that you hold onto, like emotions, objects, property, or people. These are due to your attachments and desires. For instance, an emotion like anger is like fire. If you don’t let go of this emotional feeling of anger it can hurt or harm you. When you are angry with someone all your actions and decisions are affected in your everyday life. If you hold this feeling for any length of time, your mind will be affected first, and then those reactions will manifest in your body as illness. So being angry is not going to help you. Wouldn’t it be better to let it go?
Why let go
To ‘let go’ you will need to understand why it needs to be done. If you are ill or have some personal health problems, it will be good to know why you are having these problems. Your problems could be due to anger, sadness or other emotions that you are holding on to that are creating these issues. Why are you attached to your sadness or anger? How does that help you? Do you feel that holding onto anger or sadness will give you some satisfaction? Maybe it is not worth the ill health you are suffering? Is letting go of these emotions worthwhile?
What if you are holding onto people? Are they in any way helping you move forward in life? What if their friendship is taking you to a negative place? Do you still stay with them or let them go? If you don’t want to let them go, you have to ask yourself, why? Has this friendship become a condition that you don’t want to let go of? Our Spiritual Master, Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) says, tell me your company and I will tell you who you are? If their company is harming you in any way, it’s time to let go.
‘Letting go’ can be difficult, if you are very attached to the person or object. One way of letting go will be to use the ‘Detachment Process’ to help you clear that energy that does not serve you. For more information about the Detachment Process goto: https://liberatingtouch.com/peace/
& Forgiveness
Forgiveness can be one of the most important things you can do in this life. I can attest to this. When someone hurts, harms, or betrays you, it can be quite painful, because of your attachment and expectations. If you have unconditional love, then you do not have any expectations from those around you and you accept them for who they are and where they are at. You are not hurt by their unkind actions or words. If, however, you are hurt, then there is an attachment or expectation. You might not even be aware of this. So, when you are hurt, you will enquire as to what had happened? You will realise the Truth and forgive them. In forgiving them, you forgive yourself and the heart will release any anger, or hurt you felt for them. You might also ask to be forgiven. In forgiving them you have allowed your heart to open and be free.
Every hurt, or harm, that you feel others have done to you will create another nail in the door of your heart, so to speak. You have to start forgiving everyone that you believe had hurt you. It is good to forgive because some people hurt you without even realising.
Lovingly, Eddie
Eddie Appoo is a spiritual teacher and author dedicated to guiding others on their journey of Self-Realisation. He embarked on a journey of spiritual exploration from a young age and had his first glimpse of Self-Realisation in the early 1980s. In 1992, Eddie experienced himself as Atma (One with God) guided by his spiritual master Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Alongside his wife, he co-created LiberatingTouch®, a spiritual development system. Eddie’s teachings and writings, including “Detachment: The Secret to Infinite Peace,” reflect his dedication to sharing joy and facilitating spiritual progression.