The History of LiberatingTouch®
In 1983, at the age of thirty, I was blessed with the experience of the anandamaya kosha – the bliss sheath. This is the final sheath before experiencing the Atma. I was light and everything was light and I was full of joy. In 1987 I experienced myself coming out of the body and realised that I am not the body. Then in 1992, I experienced Paramatma, or Almighty God. God, or Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) became my Guru. He taught me a lot in the next few years. Three years later, in 1995, by the guidance of Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) I got married to Ranjana. Together, we worked refining and clearing our samskaras and vasanas (behaviour and tendencies). We were then guided to help others to Realise with LiberatingTouch®.
In 2009, Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba) showed both Ranjana and I the infinity symbol instead of the two circles employed by Phyllis Crystal in ‘Cutting Ties’ that we were using at that time. We saw ourselves in one loop of the infinity symbol and the object to detach from in the other loop of the infinity symbol. Ranjana and I had the experience simultaneously during the darshan of Swami. We started using the infinity symbol for our detachment exercises. During this time, we also got the symbol of the Tree for the Higher Self which eventually became the Illumined Self. We started using the Tree as a metaphorfor God, or the Illumined Self.
The Tree
The Tree symbolises the Illumined Self, or God from whence all creation came. In LiberatingTouch® we connect to the Tree for guidance. You are using the mind to help you visualise or, imagine. As you do this process, your intuition will kick in. Be careful at this point to stay with your intuition, because your expectations, desires and attachments can hijack the process.
The Ribbons that Connect us to the Tree
It all started with a question by one of our students, whether to use the words, “many coloured ribbons” in the visualisation, or simply state, “many ribbons” to connect to the Tree. I stated that we should just use ribbons, as coloured ribbons bring the idea of multiple frequencies into the mix. This will bring the mind into the proceedings. I felt Swami guiding me to use the rainbow as an analogy. He suggested that the rainbow splits the frequency of the sunlight. Similarly, the light from God is split when it hits the universal mind in creation creating multiple frequencies.
In the beginning when God separated himself from himself, it was to love himself (us). In the process of living life, we got attached to things of the world. All those things became issues, as they hold us to the Earth. This Earth is the ‘Garden of Eden’ which is mentioned in the bible. Adam and Eve symbolise the two genders (humanity) populating the Earth. The apple contains the knowledge of good and evil, desires and attachments, which leads to intellectual arrogance. The serpent represents, maya, the deluded mind, which goes off at tangents, gets distracted and does not listen to the Intuitive Self. After, Adam and Eve ate the apple, they knew shame, this separated them further from God (Truth).
After many lives, the multiple fragmented selves have moved so far from the Self that it sees itself as separate. The oneness in the beginning which they (humanity) had, was lost. Now they grope about in the darkness of their minds. They lost the values they had. Now they are full of anger, hate and sadness. They have to experience grief and suffering and learn to love, before gaining their wisdom and coming back full cycle to the ONE.
The Rainbow
The Rainbow is an analogy for the multiple frequencies on this plane of existence. The same way that the sun’s light is refracted through moisture to show the different frequencies as colours. Similarly, all the objects in this plane of existence have different frequencies.
Human beings have 5 sheaths vibrating at different frequencies. As consciousness moves through these sheaths, the frequency becomes higher and the vibrations are finer. These are the sthula sharira or annamaya kosha (physical sheath), pranamaya kosha (breath sheath), manomaya kosha (mind sheath), vignanamaya kosha (intellect sheath) and the anandamaya kosha (bliss sheath).
The pranamaya kosha (breath sheath), acts like the bridge between the different levels of consciousness. When your consciousness moves from your body (sthula sharira) to the breath body (pranamaya kosha), the frequency of the body will move higher to synchronise with the frequency of the breath body. As they synchronise the breath body will separate, from the physical body and move higher up the frequencies with your consciousness and up the different sheaths. Most people experience the separation of consciousness from their body during deep sleep, but are unconscious or, unaware. It will depend on your evolution and or, awareness for you to be conscious of this. This can take many lives.
Once your consciousness moves beyond the anandamaya kosha, or the bliss sheath, you will find that the other 8 billion beings (jivatmas) do not exist. You will have to move beyond the vignanamaya kosha (intellect sheath) and the anandamaya kosha (bliss sheath) to experience the Atma (The Pure Bliss and reflection of the Absolute). The pranamaya kosha (breath sheath), acts like the bridge moving between the different levels of consciousness. When your consciousness is ready, you will experience the Atmic Reality. Only God knows when. Once you are Atma you will then experience the Paramatma (the ONE, GOD).
Love and blessings, Eddie
Eddie Appoo is a spiritual teacher and author dedicated to guiding others on their journey of Self-Realisation. He embarked on a journey of spiritual exploration from a young age and had his first glimpse of Self-Realisation in the early 1980s. In 1992, Eddie experienced himself as Atma (One with God) guided by his spiritual master Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Alongside his wife, he co-created LiberatingTouch®, a spiritual development system. Eddie’s teachings and writings, including “Detachment: The Secret to Infinite Peace,” reflect his dedication to sharing joy and facilitating spiritual progression.