In the last blog, I mentioned that in order to get closer to God, we must have devotion. There are many ways to create the devotion that you need.
Singing and Mantras
One of the easiest ways is to sing devotional songs to the Lord. You know that it is working, when you feel joy while singing. Joy signifies the presence of the Lord. When you feel joy, you are activating the Heart chakra which is the seat of God. Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba says that “Namasmarana”(chanting the names of the Divine) is the fastest way to get God’s grace during the Kali Yuga (dark age).
Seva (selfless service)
Another way is to do Seva (selfless service for humanity) for the downtrodden and the poor. You become God’s instrument. When you see someone in pain, or suffering do your best to help them. The ONE that is within you is also present in the person you are helping. Therefore, the ONE feels the pain and the suffering of others and also the Joy of others. If you are aware that you are part of the ONE you are also helping yourself. You know this to be true, when you are glad, or feel joyful when you help others. This will help you feel the Unity with others and God. Only the deluded see separation. Know the Truth, you are not separate from the others, or God.
Meditate daily. Start with a few minutes a day and build it to an hour if you can. You can start meditating on a chair and then see if you are comfortable sitting on the ground. This process will take time. The mind does not like being still. You will feel itches and pain and all kinds of worries, in the beginning. If you can persist in spite of the difficulties, it will start to get easier. Eventually, it will become part of your daily ritual, or habit. Once you set this behaviour daily, you will start having experiences that will teach you about spirituality. Remember, when you meditate, you are communing with God.
Japa (chanting)
Japa (chanting) the name of your Beloved form of God using a japamala, or rosary. Use the thumb and middle finger of your right hand to move the beads of your mala, as you pronounce your Mantra or affirmation distinctly and clearly. You can do this 108 times which is the standard number in japamala beads, or a number you are guided to use. Have a look at the video below.
Remember when you are doing any of these exercises, you must have no agendas. Don’t think that when I do this, I will receive thus. Everything you do should be unconditional, except the desire to be closer to GOD.
Blessings, Eddie
Eddie Appoo is a spiritual teacher and author dedicated to guiding others on their journey of Self-Realisation. He embarked on a journey of spiritual exploration from a young age and had his first glimpse of Self-Realisation in the early 1980s. In 1992, Eddie experienced himself as Atma (One with God) guided by his spiritual master Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Alongside his wife, he co-created LiberatingTouch®, a spiritual development system. Eddie’s teachings and writings, including “Detachment: The Secret to Infinite Peace,” reflect his dedication to sharing joy and facilitating spiritual progression.