Getting Closer to God

What is life about? Is it just about eating, sleeping and evacuating? If you believe that it is true, then you need to go no further. If you believe that there is more to life than seeking pleasure and fulfilling your base biological needs, then join me on this journey to find out more. On the journey of getting closer to God. The Pursuit of Lasting Joy Do you...

Going beyond the mind

God God is love and Nature is the physical manifestation of God. When you speak to God within you, Nature will respond to you physically. You have to have faith and Trust to believe in that communication. People are also part of Nature. You can start your communication with God via Nature. When people cut trees and mine the earth, they are destroying Nature because of their desires. It...

Acceptance, Letting Go and Forgiveness

What is acceptance? I believe that acceptance is a complete trust in whatever is being given to you. Taking it in your stride as it is your journey on Earth. There are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason. The world is a classroom where you are taught certain lessons in order for you to understand the Truth. You gain from this wisdom in order to learn that your...


In a previous blog, I spoke of death. I also stated that we are not the body. We are Atma (soul) and part of God. The reason I have come back to this subject is because of a recent experience. My mother-in-law whom most of us called Ma passed away a month ago. She attained Moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death). Never be afraid of death....

The Futility of Anger

When you are angry, it is not a pleasant feeling. You feel upset and all the other negative feelings arise within you. In this state of negative emotional arousal, you could cause great damage. What is the driver behind anger? Usually, it is unfulfilled desires or attachments. When a desire is unfulfilled, many people go to great lengths to fulfill their desire and get angry when it is not...

The Path of Detachment

I have been doing Phyllis Krystal’s – “Cutting the ties that bind” a version of detachment since 1991. Some years ago (2009), when I was in the temple in the presence of Swami (Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba), I was practicing Phyllis Krystal’s ‘F’igure 8’. As I was visualising the two circles and seeing the blue light going around the two circles, I realised that my visualisation had suddenly...

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