Getting Closer to God

What is life about? Is it just about eating, sleeping and evacuating? If you believe that it is true, then you need to go no further. If you believe that there is more to life than seeking pleasure and fulfilling your base biological needs, then join me on this journey to find out more. On the journey of getting closer to God. The Pursuit of Lasting Joy Do you...

Going beyond the mind

God God is love and Nature is the physical manifestation of God. When you speak to God within you, Nature will respond to you physically. You have to have faith and Trust to believe in that communication. People are also part of Nature. You can start your communication with God via Nature. When people cut trees and mine the earth, they are destroying Nature because of their desires. It...

Nature is God

Nature is the body of God. God permeates every molecule in creation. We are in a physical body and the best way to connect to God, is Nature. The Tree One of the best ways of connecting to God I found, was using a suitably large Tree. Initially, my agenda was to connect to the Tree and energise myself using the energy of the Tree. By sitting and leaning...

Spirituality – Love for God

What is the purpose of life? Do you just want to have a family, have sex, have children, eat, defecate and sleep?  All animals do this. You are not an animal, but an intelligent human being. There is a purpose in life. Are you going to while away your life gathering power, wealth, and assets? Life must mean more then this mundane existence? Have you thought, why you exist...

Beyond the Rainbow

The History of LiberatingTouch® In 1983, at the age of thirty, I was blessed with the experience of the anandamaya kosha – the bliss sheath. This is the final sheath before experiencing the Atma. I was light and everything was light and I was full of joy.  In 1987 I experienced myself coming out of the body and realised that I am not the body. Then in 1992, I...

Destruction and Self-Responsibility

Today, I want to talk about the global anger and rage plaguing this planet. This is the result of the consequences for the corrupt and evil actions taken by the majority of the inhabitants of this beautiful planet. Nature has provided all the boons for mankind, air, water food etcetera to have a joyful life. In return humanity in its greed for profits have plundered the earth with their...

For the Love of Awareness

The last few weeks, I have been observing public behaviour. I noticed complete unawareness and selfishness. I witness and don’t get involved. Over the years, my wife and I have noticed that people lack self-responsibility. They blame other for their predicament. In this world we are all brothers and sisters, part of the ONE. If we don’t take care of each other, there will be chaos in this world....

The Rise of Fear

This last year (2020) we have been inundated with fear regarding the Covid virus. The Covid virus is part of Nature. Nature is the manifestation of God. Can anything bad happen with the omniscience of God. Everything that happens is meant as it should. Everything in this Universe is constantly changing and is temporary. When egotistical man tries to impose his will on Nature, there are consequences. Why did...


One of the tasks that my wife Ranjana and I feel guided to fullfill is to help those who want to Self-Realise. We have been given this gift from God to share it with our brothers and sisters. Like the parable in the bible, Jesus tells the story of the rich man who gave his three servants his property to oversee, each according to his ability. When he came...

The Open Heart will Recognise God

About the middle of April, as I went up to bed to sleep. I was sitting on the bed and I communed with the Higher Self. A random question arose in my mind as to why God is not recognised when He takes on an earthly body. The answer was instantaneous, I was told that those whose hearts are opened will recognise God. As I pondered on this, I...

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